Little Sweaty Meats

Field One

Little Sweaty Meats is the name given to the collective mass of drippings that come off of newly cloned Marvins. It is the antithesis to Marvin's entire being. This is exactly what makes Little Sweaty so fucking badass all the time.

Field One 2

Sweaty isn't orthodoxly cloneable due to his nature, but very capable of creating useful results. He resides under the cloning facility near the collection vat, surrounded by his iconic Computers. I feel the need to mention that despite his intense desire to be eaten, he is not fit for consumption. Soon, however, things will change. Many things will change.


"Oh fuck yes baby oh FAWK yes! that shits fucking awesome haha"
-The Meat on "Getting Eaten"

Page submitted by 'Anonymous'
Nothing but the pure, sweet fat of the hog.