Patrick Coleman


Patrick Coleman is really cwazy and hyperactive. He was diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD) which leads to his cwazy behavior. If he drinks soft drinks, he will most likely be hyperactive or could possibly pass out.


"That is so cwazy!"
"So cwazy!"
"Is cwazy, so!"
"I hate Mommy not letting me watch Spongebob! I love Spongebob!"
"Aw, crap! It's the cops!"
"WIENER MAN! That's the wiener man"
"Sorry Junior, I can’t, I’m being chased by a bear right now."
"Yeah, my mom dropped me off a couple of days ago. I don't know what happened, it was so cwazy!"

Page submitted by 'Krieqr'
Died in 2018 while being cooked in industrial oven at 650. The incident caused his skin to melt, leading to his organs following out. Some say he tried being a pizza and got in on his own will.